Beringfield AG is active globally with special focus given to ex-CIS commodity flows destined EU, China, Middle East and Latin America.

Crude Oil
Crude oil is refined into a range of oil products mainly used as fuels – including fuel oil, naphtha, gasoil petrol and diesel for cars, jet fuel, heating oil and liquid petroleum gas (LPG). We cover a variety of refined products.
Crude oil & derivatives

Agricultural produce
We operate on a global basis to source, trade and distribute grains including wheat, barley and corn.
Agricultural produce

We build regional and global connectivity between companies, smelters, and refined metal fabricators: covering base metals and steel products markets.

We prepay our suppliers, purchase commodities in storage facilities, transit or loaded on a marine vessel and sell to the major offtake partners.

Beringfield AG has access to the most
far-reaching transportation networks through partnership with our trading counterparties.
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