Our Vision

Business philosophy

The satisfaction, which leads to the continuity of the business relations, is a cornerstone of our mentality.



Beringfield AG is active globally with a special focus given to ex-CIS commodity flows. 


Our Partners

We source our commodities from both manufacturers and independent trading houses.

Beringfield AG

Providing Best Trading Solutions
For Enhancing Commodity Supply Chain


Business philosophy

Satisfaction of our partners, leading to continuity of business relations and coupled with increasing shareholders’ value, is a cornerstone of our mentality. To achieve this, we maintain proper risk-reward balance when conducting trade and managing our operations.

Company’s set of golden rules is a risk policy, directing acceptance criteria for business counterparties, scope and scale of exposure, to allow maintaining acceptable level of overall risk profile.

Strict compliance to internal risk framework, multilevel approval process and structuring trades exclusively on “back-to-back” principle, minimize embedded credit and market risks, leading to healthy and sustainable grows.

Beringfield AG is active globally

Markets and Services

Beringfield AG trades variety of commodities, mostly concentrating on trade supplies out of Mediterranean region, but also Africa and Far East. The sales destinations are diversified and influenced by net importing capacity of a particular region for a given commodity, where Turkey, Italy, China, Middle East and various Black Sea ports dominate.

The commodities traded include light and middle distillates, i.e. fuel oil, naphtha, gasoil, gasoline; mineral fertilisers; base metals, concentrates and steel products; agricultural produce – wheat, barley and corn.

Our partners

We source commodities from both manufacturers and independent trading houses. We prepay our suppliers, purchase commodities in storage facilities or loaded on a marine vessel and sell to the offtake partners – trading houses and end-buyers.
